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Take the first step on this journey of transformation and be a part of the construction of the future of Fairfax
From 06/10 to 10/12 every Wednesday at 9am
 Next Encounter:
10 December - Closing Masterclass

A series of virtual meetings presented by to experts talking about emerging themes, followed by collaborative workshops where you will be able to co-create ideas and put what you heard into practice, creating projects that will have an impact on the future of Fairfax.


You will have access to specialists who will be talking about the main market tendencies. All the transmissions will take place via Zoom Platform.

Co-creation Workshops

Right after each masterclass, you will participate in a workshop run by a specialized team, where together we will co-create projects based on the subjects debated during the masterclass.

FF Vision 2025 Hackathon

The best ideas will be transformed into acceleration projects which will impact the future of Fairfax.

An Invitation by Bruno Camargo to all the collaborators:

Share your ideas, suggestions or initiatives.
Together we will build the future of FF.

Click on the button below to contribute to the FF>> Vision 2025 initiative, sharing ideas, suggestions or proposing initiatives concerning the subjects addressed.

Share an Idea